Squirrel Hunt, Feline Style!
AMARULA: As you know, squirrels are one of the bane’s of my existence. Out of sheer desperation to rid myself and my territory of those little furry balls of ferociousness, I have actually lowered myself to enlist the aid of yet another bane of my existence: Zulu.
Today the plan is to teach Zulu how to hunt squirrels so that he can help me clear out my beloved backyard (later I will worry about clearing Zulu out!).
Alright Zulu, the first step is to assess the threat level. Look to your right, to your left and into the trees to see where the squirrels are laying in wait:
The next step is to lull them into a false sense of security. Try to look lazy and like you really have no idea what’s going on (which God knows should not be too hard for you…)
Now move about the yard and try to observe your prey. Always try to stay behind them! Don’t let them get behind you!
That’s right, always keep them in sight!
Now follow my lead:
Look how close we are Zulu!
Get ready…
Oh No! They are smarter than I thought! Watch out Zulu! They are going for your leash!
There are too many of them Zulu! You are surrounded! Abort Abort!
AMARULA: OK Zulu. I have to admit you put in a valiant effort. Looks like we’ll have to try plan B: the Peanut Lure. Just hold real still and close your eyes and I’ll take care of everything…
That’s right…trust me Zulu…those squirrels will soon be ours…you won’t feel a thing…
guys….az iz deer….squirrel iz vizshuz……N round heer….we got de eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil
chippeez which R az vizshuz az deer & squirrel combined…….best fishes in yur effortz to
rid yur yard oh theeze over grown rodentz ~~~~~ ♥♥♥
AMARULA: We have chippys too! they are all vicious mongrels!! One day I shall be victorious and the backyard shall be all mine! (with maybe even a very small –tiny–section for Zulu)
what great pictures!!!