Frodo’s Feline Life Lessons: Look on the Warm Side of Winter
FRODO: Well this is my first winter and I gotta tell you I think it’s terrific! Now I know that Amarula hates Canadian winters but I think that’s just because–between you and me–she can be a bit of a nay-sayer! She tends not to look on the positive side of things. Since the temperature has dropped, mom has started using this indoor fire contraption that I think is just the cat’s pajamas! It’s like having your very own personal sunbeam in the house! Now I am new to this whole indoor, boxed sunbeam thingy, but I have learned a thing or two about how to get the most out of the clever contraption. It’s all about positioning…
- Firstly, before jumping into that comfy looking basket, I’ve found that it’s better to get started slowly…one body part at a time to be sure not to get overheated! First the back:
2. Then the toes:
3. Next the tummy (which gives you an excuse for a good stretch!):
4. Finally, just let it all hang loose…become one with the fire…
5. Now that you’ve got a good “base” warmth going on, it’s time to move to the basket. But don’t let the lure of the comfy cat bed distract you from your primary objective: keeping as much of your body by the fire as possible:
6. Don’t forget to lift up your arms to get your armpits in on the warmth:
7. Now comes my favorite part: invite a friend to join in on the fun!
8. Not only does a friend make a fire more enjoyable, but they also provide additional body warmth:
9. Sometimes if you’re really, really lucky, they’ll even give you a fireside bath!
10. Yeah! I don’t know what Amarula is talking about, I love winter!
You look very comfy. And how sweet the 2 of you are together.
FRODO: If only I could get Amarula to join in on the cuddle I know she would love winter too!!
guys….while yur mom haz de flame goin….get a few perch N set em in
fryin pan left side up N seer em fora bout 10 minits, flip N ree peet & soon
ewe will haza tastee snax !! 🙂 ♥♥
FRODO: WOW! thanks da tabbies o trout towne –what great advice! Yummy! But mom says my belly is growing a little too quickly so I am not sure she would go for it!!